Nov 12, 2010

I Just Don't Get It...

We all know that I love my husband dearly. However, this I just don't get..

Yes. Those are my husband's clothes IN FRONT of the hamper. Can someone please explain this to me? I mean, is the lid too heavy? ITS WICKER! It weighs as much as a paper clip for goodness sake. I just don't understand. If anyone has any insight into this oddity, please feel free to share.


Tiffani said...

My husband does better with a laundry basket that has no lid. That way he can treat it like a basketball game.

Jennifer said...

oh girl i know. esp when they leave the dishes in the sink with the dishwasher RIGHT NEXT TO IT! :)

Brittany said...

It's the lid. I had to get one without a lid. That way there's no extra work involved. They just have to toss the clothes in. No lifting required!

Jessica M said...

i did the same thing! laundry basket with no lid. but that still hasn't helped. apparently clothes belong in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom floor.


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