Feb 5, 2010

Check-Up Cheer and Tummy Time Torture

MC had her two month check up on Tuesday and she's doing great!! Yay! Baby girl weighed in at 10lbs 8oz and was 23 inches long. Also, remember how I switched her to soy without consulting him? Yeah, definately scared about revealing that little secret. However, he was totally fine with it. He said "hey, you just have to try out different things and see what works for your baby." Whew! No lecture about being a horrible mommy! She did have to get shots though and it was slightly torturous to say the least. At least she didn't run any fever or get fussy afterwards! I was bracing myself for a very unpleasant and exhausting night, but sweet MC slept for 7 hours and only woke up because I woke her up to give her her usual 5 am bottle.

Now, while Dr. M said MC is doing great and is exactly where she needs to be, I am concerned. As you might have guessed, I do a lot of research and reading. I try to do everything in my power to make the best life I can for Maggie Claire. This includes helping her reach all of her basic milestones like crawling, walking, talking, etc. With that being said, I want her to develop her neck and arm muscles. How does one do this? Well if you are a mommy, you know you do "tummy time". This is where I have run into somewhat of a dilema. MC HATES being on her stomach. As a devoted mom, I have tried to partake in the all important "tummy time" on several occassions with no success. Within 1 minute of being on her stomach, MC starts crying. Now, my question for all of you - do I continue this "tummy torture" and hope she gets used to it? I mean, is the whole reason she gets upset simply because she is not used to being on her tummy? Does she know that if she cries I will pick her up? I am really torn with the whole situation. I want to do whats best for her, but I don't want her to be miserable. The only way I have been able to even get her to remotely cooperate is to put her on my chest and lean back a little so that she is on her tummy. While I haven't been a faithful follower of this tummy time routine, I do want to say that she IS super strong and is picking up her head super well. I really WOULD be freaking out if she was still a limp little noodle who still had a bobble head that had to be completely supported. Anyway, any input on this matter would be helpful!

I do have a rather frustrating Adam update. Seems his internet hasn't been working for over 3 days now. Thankfully he was able to call me once from work and fill me in on what was going on. (As you might have guessed, when I don't hear from my husband who is in a war zone for 3 days, I get a little concerned...) It totally stinks not being able to talk to him. I don't know how women did it before the internet - only getting a letter from their husbands here and there. That would be tough. I hope things start working again soon because I am going crazy. I always have videos and pictures of MC I want to share with him but I can't do any of that when his stinking internet won't work. I am considering calling the Iraq internet people and giving them a piece of my hormonal mind. Yeah, you think the taliban is tough? Wait til you see a wife and mother who is deprived of her husband's sweet face for a few days...

While it has been difficult (at times even nearly impossible), my wonderful Adam will be home in a month!!! One short month and my family will be together again. I can't even begin to fathom how amazing its going to feel. I really don't think I will ever take our time together for granted again. As I wait patiently for that day, I ask a favor of all of you. With Valentine's day approaching, take a moment to thank God for all the people in your life you love. Offer a big thank you to Him for giving you time with them and don't ever take it for granted. You never know when you might be without them. Revel in all the small moments and store all the good memories. Tell those people how much you love them and that you are blessed to have them as part of your life! Give them a big hug and hold on just a little longer that you normally would. Do this one thing for me and all the other men and women who CAN'T hold that one person who makes our life complete. Tell that person you love them for all of us who CAN'T say "I love you" whenever we want. When you give them a kiss, kiss them again for all of us who can only kiss a webcam. Just be happy and let them know that they are the reason for it :)

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Lisa N. said...

Try putting MC on the boppy for Tummy Time. Landon HATED tummy time too, but if I propped him up on the boppy it relieved the pressure on his stomach.

Anonymous said...

lola janis never did tummy time. she hated it also. the boppy did work occasionally though. sometimes she layed on her belly across my legs. at 5 weeks she slept in her big girl bed on her belly (with a hard mattress and nothing else but her blanket). i would also hold her up on my shoulder and she would hold her head up. also...dont stress so much about milestones. lola janis never crawled. she walks. she sat up at 6 months and has done perfectly fine. your baby will do everything when she is ready to. your job is just to make sure she has the opportunity to do all these things (when she is ready) i stressed about the crawling thing for a bit and then got over it. she is 100% healthy and learning new tricks every day. you are a great mommy and MC will develop just fine with love and encouragement. :)i dont have a google account so it is making me select anonymous but it me..ga

Katie said...

haha Call the Iraq IT people and give it to them good!!

Cherry Berry said...

I was also really worried about my daughter reaching her milestones. But she hated tummy time also. I would try tummy time on the boppy like Lisa (above) said. And if it makes you feel any better, my daughter didn't care for tummy time until she was 7 months old when she finally started rolling from her back to her tummy. Then we couldn't keep her off her tummy!
Just remember, all babies are different... Some do things earlier than other and some later than others. I'm sure she is doing great though! Just try not to stress too much about it. Easier said than done, (I know)! Haha!
I love reading your blog! MC is a doll!

PathwaysMom said...

Most babies dislike Tummy Time at first, but if you keep at it, they learn to like it. Try some TT holds, including on your lap and the “football hold”. Keep the floor time going, too, but make sure you’re down there with her and include a favorite toy, at her most content time of day. Also, check out Pathways Awareness’ website for some suggestions to make this easier on you: http://bit.ly/8IhuuF. TT is an important part of her development. Once she gets used to it, it should no longer be “Tummy Torture” for either of you!

Ashley said...

I just found your blog through Brandy Verwiel's... anyway, hi! I'm Ashley. I'm actually nannying right now and both babies I've worked with HATED tummy time. So I started small like 1 minute three times a day, then bump it up to 2 minutes three times a day. It becomes 5 or 10 in no time! I have found if you sit in front of them and give them something 'fun' to look at (like me singing itsy bitsy spider or moving around a toy that lights up) that really seems to take their mind off how much they don't like it! Good luck! Keep with it! The 4.5 month old I'm watching now rolled over for the first time last week and I'm convinced it's because of tummy time!!


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