Feb 21, 2010

Stinky Day

I'm sure all of you reading this have had one of those days that just sucks. I am in the midst of one. First of all, I get a text from Adam saying that they have asked him to go on a mission. He said yes. Let me explain all this - see, when Adam went over I was expecting all kinds of crazy fighting stuff. Well, he then told me that they had an opening in the office doing desk work. Um, what do you think my reaction was? Exactly. I said "honey, you are taking that desk job. Its not even up for discussion." Well this is not Adam's idea of a good time. He is so strong and active and adventurous, and gets completely stir crazy sitting still. I said "honey I would rather you die from boredom than a freaking car bomb or gun" Of course I won the argument and he took the desk job. Now, this morning, he calls me and tells me they need him for a misson. I WAS NOT happy. I am scared out of my mind actually. We are only days from him leaving to come home to me. He has managed to stay safe this whole time he has been gone. Of course I am imagining the worst. I hate that in my last post I talked about how strong I felt and now I am completely coming apart. I know luck has nothing to do with it and its in God's hands, but I still feel as though we are testing his luck with him going when we are so close to the end of all this. Anyway, I could REALLY use some prayers and support. Please pray for his safety and for my strength.

As if that wasnt enough for one day, I later find out MC has bumped her head. She was propped up on her back with the boppy pillow under hear head and shoulders and was laying on her mat on the carpet. Well, apparently my cousin wanted to be closer to her so she pulled her feet or something to scoot her closer. I am assuming her head then slid from the boppy to the floor. She never let out a whimper or anything but it has completely freaked me out. Its only a matter of inches I suppose, but of course I worry. She has been acting fine - smiling, cooing, etc. and like I said, she never cried - I mean, if it hurt she would've cried, right?

I think I am just being overly sensitive today due to lack of sleep... she hasnt been the best sleeper these past few days so I'm pretty tired. Anyway, any reassuring comments about Adam or MC's head bump would be greatly appreciated!!!


Lisa N. said...

As i've said before, your sweet little family will continue to stay in our prayers until Adam returns home! You ARE strong, and Adam WILL be safely home to you soon! He's pro at this!! If MC didn't even cry, then there is nothing to worry about! That is just the first of many bumps she will have. TRUST ME! It's only because you're such a good Mommy that you worry! Just wait until she starts walking... :) Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!

The Andersons said...

So sorry you've had such a tough day. Just remember this: "[God] will keep in perfect peace all who trust in [Him], all whose thoughts are fixed on [Him]!" Just keep trusting. Adam will be fine and will be home SOON!

Cherry Berry said...

Praying that your husband is safe and praying for you to have peace during this time. He'll be home before you know it!
And as far as MC's bump goes...this is just the first of MANY (as you may already have been told). If she didn't cry, she is probably just fine. And even when they do cry, it's probably alright. It's mostly the shock of it that makes them cry. When she starts crawling, pulling up on things, and trying to walk....that's when the "real" bumps come!! Just hang in there!

Jennifer said...

can you please send me your email address? i'm a reader of your blog and just made mine private. i wanted to let you read mine but i need your email address first.

thanks girl.



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