Sep 15, 2009

Time of My Life

Anyone else totally bummed about Patrick Swayze? How sad, right? What girl didn't dream about him lifting her during the big dance, or tracing her arms as she did pottery in an old button down shirt? I know I was young when those movies came out, but I ADORE them and never ceased to fantasize when I got older. I mean, the ending scene in Dirty Dancing where he sings the lines of the song to Baby"...and I owe it all to you" as he scrunches up his nose and bobs his head, still gives me chills. Here's to you Patrick hunky-man Swayze, for allowing all girls to have the time of their life (at least in our dreams!)


Jared and Brandy Verwiel said...

Your comment just cracked me up! I speak in firsts, seconds, and thirds, too! :-) With that being said, First, thanks for your sweet comment. If I can help, I totally will! Second, Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing absolutely was fantastic! Third, when are you due and how is your sweet husband being so far away?

Jessica said...

Brandy - He's doing as well as can be expected I guess! We have been truly blessed that we get to talk so much! We are due December 4th but are planning on inducing November 30 in hopes that Adam can have more notice and hopefully make it home!!

Lindsey said...

I totally agree! There was no one like him!! I idolized that movie when I was a little girl - I think we all did! So so sad! I feel so sorry for his sweet wife - but think it's awesome they stayed married for over 30 years!! What an inspiration to us all!


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