Secondly, there is SOOO much to consider. This also puts a huge damper on my OCD/planning personality. You never know what is going to happen so, sure, you can make a fabulous birth plan, but in all actuallity something might come up that changes everything.
Thirdly, no one in the world likes pain. Considering that I am a citizen of this planet, I would fall into that category. Now, I understand that the pushing won't be so bad if I have an epidural. However, I am scared of the epidural itself! I've heard its not bad, but I'm still going to be scared until its over and done with.
In addition to the epidural, there are so many other things that have to be done that also make me very squeemish. 1) Catheters. I have never had one but the whole idea of a tube in such a small place doesn't sound like a great deal of fun. 1) Enemas. No, they aren't required, but in attempts to save what little modesty and self dignity remains while having your whole bottom half off the edge of a bed for God and the world to see, I imagine its not a bad idea. 3) Nakedness. I am typically not a very modest person, but the idea of all those people just staring at me while I deliver and then nurse doesn't exactly give me warm fuzzies. Is it weird that the thought of my mother seeing me in all my glory down there makes me feel very unsettled? 4)Bathroom audience. So, I like to have my privacy when doing my business in the restroom - who doesnt. I mean, I get stagefright. So the fact that a nurse will accompany you to the restroom the first few times you have to go after delivering gives me some heebie jeebies. 5) Stitches. We all know what I'm talking about so I won't even go any further. This doesnt sound fun.
So now I'm sure I have completely traumatized all of you readers. Maybe, however, someone reading this has actually had a child and can offer some comforting words! Because, as of right now, I want this baby to stay put forever. I'm not even joking. Anyway, please feel free to comment if the urge strikes (even if it may be a "wow, that was waaaay too much info for a blog!" comment.) I just adore comments. I don't know why. When I check my email and see a little "And baby makes three" comment alert, my heart does a little happy dance. haha. Yes, I am soliciting blog comments. I think my life is going downhill....
Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets some much needed relaxation!
when i went to my birthing classes, i really should have paid more attention at the C-section part.....
I had a spinal (which I've been told is a bigger needle than what an epidural uses), and the pain from it was nothing. It just felt like a quick bee sting. The catheter was the worst part to me only because they did it before the spinal. You will be fine! :)
I'm really scared for when I have a baby, I'm so weak when it comes to pain!
Definitely get the enema--not much fun, but neither is a public poop. The epidural will make everything better--worth any momentary discomfort while it's administered. As for the episiotomy, if MC's got a big head, that may be necessary. But believe me, when it's all over, and you're holding that precious baby and loving on her--none of the foregoing will matter one bit. Will your Mom be with you since your Adam is overseas? You're going to do great, I'm confident.
I don't have any encouraging words bc I don't have kids yet, but I think you will do great!! You will forget all about all that stuff once MC gets here.
Honey, it's not as bad as you think. I just had my first child in April and I had all those same thoughts when I started to have her. I was so nervous about having so many people in the room with my hoo ha in the air and so embarrassed to pass gas with the nurse in the room, but I had to (because she was ALWAYS in there!) and so scared of the pooping while delivering thing. But like Anonymous said, when you get her in your arms, all that will be forgotten!! And it is so worth it!! Good luck with it and I pray that Adam gets home in time!
Nice post. I will not be having children, I will just play with yours! (Haha, just kidding)
I went into labor with no idea what was going to happen. I did not take birthing classes or would let people tell me what to expect. Before my epidural I told the nurse that I can't do this and I was sorry. After the epidural, not a problem When they told me that I would have to have a C-section. I freaked a little. I started giving my husband if I die speach, but it was fine. I was a little dramatic. I am the modest person EVER! When the day gets here, the only thing you want is to get your baby here and hold her. I did not think about being naked on the the operating table until afterwards. The best memory of my life is seeing and holding my sweet baby. Best of luck. Love reading your blog!
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