Jan 9, 2010

Reader Request

Third and last post today... promise. My sweet reader Stephanie has requested pics of Maggie Claire. Being the proud mamma that I am, I couldn't deny a loyal reader the opportunity to take in all the cuteness that is my child. haha.

This first picture totally makes me laugh. When I was in Madison at my in-laws, we went to mass. You know what that means - opportunity for cute outfits. I got MC all dolled up and of course had to do a photo session. She wasn't too happy about it. It totally looks like she is swatting my hand, but she was actually just wiggling around like crazy. Anyway, makes me smile when I see it. This is us getting ready to leave

Looks like a sweet little baby doll, huh? My adorable little girl!

Hope you all enjoy the pics, cause I sure do enjoy showing her off!


Annie said...

aw!! what a precious little baby doll!!!
love her outfit!
you look amazing for just having a baby!!

LT (and Max) said...

ah! i love the pics! she's just a doll. can you tell who she looks like yet?
please post more pics! :)

The Sweet Life said...

I love them...that first one is so precious. By the way you just had a baby and you look GREAT!

Unknown said...

she is adorable!!! I love a little girl in a bonnet!

Lived With Love said...

You looks so well! She is adorable!!! xx

Tassie said...

I can't wait to see you and meet Maggie Claire. Let me know when you're back in Stark Vegas.

The Andersons said...


Katie said...

aww! she is getting so big already!!


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