Jun 9, 2010

Well Hello New Friend!

Is it sad I just spent 30 minutes talking to the plumber? No, not about plumbing issues - about life. Even sadder? I told him to come back and visit anytime. I'm serious. My name is Jessica and my best friend is a plumber. Wow.


Susannah said...

Too funny! Get out of the house girl-go to Target or something. :D If we lived closer we could go get Starbucks! :D

Jessica said...

Well Susannah, that would be a great idea - if we had a Target... or a Starbucks... haha. I live in Starkville MS - we are lucky we have a Wal-Mart!

The Andersons said...

Haha! This made me laugh. I can relate a little--being by myself some this summer makes me feel lonely, too!


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