Apr 8, 2010

Prunes and Spring

Soooo I forgot to mention that the doc said MC was now ready for baby food!!!! Yup, last night we fed little girl (well, big girl!) her first baby food. I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but sweet MC has had some problems, um, keeping things flowing. The pediatrician reccomended giving her a little juice each day but over the past few weeks she has wanted NOTHING to do with it! She will scream when she even sees the bottle with the juice in it!! Now that we can start baby food, he said that some of them should help get things going. She hadn't "had things going" in a few days so we decided her first babyfood experience would be prunes.... I know, we are terrible parents. Anyway, here are some pics!

And a few pics of my family enjoying the GORGEOUS weather and blooming flowers!!!


Robin said...

Jessica it looks like yall had a blast! So... I'm curious, did the prunes help with her little problem? Because you know Reese has the same problem. She drinks juice 2x/day and has laxative and still has problems!! It's terrible! So I am definitely curious to see if it worked for yall!

nitwit said...

cute babyyyyyyyy really a darling

Becky said...

So cute! I am so glad Adam is home and you get to enjoy being a family!

Rachel said...

You have an adorable family!

Katie said...

you three are so precious! THe pictures, the video! All so cute!


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